Buying happiness.

Money can’t can buy happiness.

The sentiment that money can’t buy happiness certainly has its merits. It reminds us to value what we have now, to take stock of the beautiful things in life that don’t cost a thing, and to step out of the capitalist hamster wheel that keeps us pursuing more money rather than more life.

However, it is also a little bit flawed.

Money certainly impacts the quality of our lives through access to things like:

  • Safe, secure and comfortable housing

  • Healthier food on our tables

  • Better education and career opportunities

  • The ability to take time off and rest

  • Freedom to leave bad, dangerous or unhealthy situations and relationships

  • Support from resources like people to watch our kids, clean our homes, cook our food, etc.

  • Experiences exploring the world, pursuing our hobbies and finding personal fulfillment

  • Opportunities to stop working through a fully funded retirement

What’s more, money can boost our mental health. A 2023 integrative analysis of over 130 articles published by academic journals, conducted by Colorado State University, found that higher pay is consistently associated with better health and well-being. Not only because we have greater access to resources, but also due to the increased self-esteem and pride associated with our work.

You can start improving your life today by earning more. Click here to learn how.


The Disparity Paradox